OMG...It's a Monday Morning!!

It was pleasant Monday morning,
The alarm clock was screaming.
Lying on my bed yawning,
I postponed awaking.
Last night I had made a mess,
I felt,from a hectic schedule,it was a recess.
I stayed awake till late,
As I was chatting on internet.
Now fantasy met reality,
And I cursed my irrationality.
Rubbing my eyes,I gazed at the clock,
Alas!There wasn't a free slot.
I put off the alarm,
And jumped out of the bed without a qualm.
Getting ready was like a race,
I couldn't miss my bus, in any case.
The daily chores seemed like hurdles,
Being an old player I had mastered the riddle.
Though breakfast still remained out of itinerary,
Timely reaching the bus stop was always a higher priority.
I reached my stop panting,
Ah! the bus was already honking.
The Lady Luck at me seemed smiling,
The sight of the bus was never before,so gratifying.
I boarded the bus with a sense of achievement,
"I'll go to bed early from next time!"-followed this commitment.
Though it was never more than an election manifesto,
But the moment's call urged me not to forgo.
Now I made a foray for a window seat,
But the driver braked and obviated the need.
The bus jerked and I landed into a seat,
The fellow passengers were staring at my feat.
Getting hold of myself,I sat up straight,
And plugged earphones of my I-pod for tracks upbeat.
The journey was long and breeze was colder,
Soon I dozed off on the neighbour's shoulder.
No sooner did I reach my cubicle and turn on my lappy,
Than the manager came with a pink slip in his hand flappy.
I looked at him agape,
As if the power of speech was not in my fate.
For I understood the long and short of it,
Immediately I fell down at his feet.
"Oh Sire! Spare me this time.",I implored.
"At these times of recession,where will I find abode?"
Clinging on to his knees I was whining,
Suddenly on my back there was a gentle patting.
I raised my head and looked up with fear,
How come the face looked so familiar?
No sooner did I recollect the face to be my neighbour's,
Than I jumped with joy and thanked my saviour.
No face till date seemed more angelic,
Alas!The dream had been so tragic.
Now the bus reached its destination,
I wished the dream had no real correlation.
I got down the bus mollifying my fears,
And went to a cafe for some quick bread-butter.
The anxiety was over and I reached my desk,
My cubicle-mate greeted me with a smile and asked for a break.
Soon we were sitting at a table in cafetaria,
Discussing the weekend activities and trivia.
Some more colleagues joined in the discussion,
The topics spanned recession,possession,concerns of the nation.
The crowd dispersed after an hour long contention,
And I returned to my desk to resume work that,on Friday,I'd put under detention.
The work ,thus piled, seemed plenty,
And I was gripped by lethargy.
The lunch and snack times were too sacred to renounce,
And the deadlines now at any time would ,like a cat, pounce.
Mugs of coffee ,one after the other,helped me keep awake,
Ah!The Monday Morning blues...what else shall I say?
astonished, astounded, shocked, stunned, startled, surprised, flabbergasted, dumbfounded, staggered, taken aback
ReplyDelete(synonyms of amazed picked directly pasted from thesaurus)...
whereas i m SPEECHLESS...(gone is my power of speech) hehe :)
"fantabulous" ... its really gud...
ReplyDeleteP.S: Inspired by above comment :P
hmmmm...impressed....reminds me of d torturous morning lectures in school n serves as a caveat for d hectic corporate life to come. But boss, what amazing use of poetic jugglery...hats off!!!