The Unsaid!!

The sunflower awaited his rise with excitement everyday and bade him good-bye sadly just at the onset of dusk each day.They spent approx. 12 hours together each day.They enjoyed and laughed gaily.The world seemed more beautiful to the sunflower now.But behind this smile lay hidden the dark clouds of sadness for she could never meet him--yes she would never meet the sun ever;not even once in her lifetime.So she would never miss a single moment:she would look at him from the dawn to dusk,turn wherever he would look.All those angles would come easily to her which gave her full view of him.But what was this...why would she never want to spare a moment of looking at him by seeing something else?Why everything else seemed so insignificant in his presence?She never knew it.And she never enquired about it.She was just too satisfied with the way things were.The sun too enjoyed her company.All other beings were happy on earth because the sun was glad and he gave them warmth enough to sustain life on earth.Neither too near nor too far.Just where he should have been--just at the right distance.But the distance remained where it hurt the most;yes between the sunflower and the sun.
And then one day the sun who too had started liking her, expressed his desire of meeting her.She became very happy and her joys knew no bound because it had always been her desire too but she had feared expressing it because she never knew what the sun thought of her.Then she realized that she had become so selfish.She had not thought of the disastrous consequences of the sun coming nearer to earth--how everything else would be destroyed because of his unbearable heat;how all other beings would perish out of thirst;how water would evaporate and how life would end on earth.And all that because of her.She was not so selfish so she decided she wouldn't let him come nearer.She would refuse....
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