OMG...It's a Monday Morning!!

It was pleasant Monday morning, The alarm clock was screaming. Lying on my bed yawning, I postponed awaking. Last night I had made a mess, I felt,from a hectic schedule,it was a recess. I stayed awake till late, As I was chatting on internet. Now fantasy met reality, And I cursed my irrationality. Rubbing my eyes,I gazed at the clock, Alas!There wasn't a free slot. I put off the alarm, And jumped out of the bed without a qualm. Getting ready was like a race, I couldn't miss my bus, in any case. The daily chores seemed like hurdles, Being an old player I had mastered the riddle. Though breakfast still remained out of itinerary, Timely reaching the bus stop was always a higher priority. I reached my stop panting, Ah! the bus was already honking. The Lady Luck at me seemed smiling, The sight of the bus was never before,so gratifying. I boarded the bus with a sense of achievement, "I'll go to bed early from next time!"-followed this commitment. Though it was never mor...